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The LASA Music Video 2020

Remember those lip dubs we keep doing? Well the Music Video will be similar in the way that we will have a number of "singers" lip-syncing to the song, but it will be shot on different days, in different locations, with different camera angles, and it will be edited. (A traditional lip dub is one take from start to finish - this is something different.

We are very excited about the concept, and think it has the potential to be even cooler than the lip dub.


"Called Out in the Dark"

We are going to showcase the amazing students at LASA arranging 12 different 1 shot scenes during the song verses. Various classes, groups, and clubs will gather in one location to be filmed at a scheduled time in April/May, 

It's like we just can't help ourselves.......................................................Sci-Tech / Robotics

Cause we don't know how to back down...............................Student Section Spirit

We were called out to the streets..........................................................Social Studies / Activists / Model UN

We were called out to the towns.............................................................Sports teams

How the heavens they opened up.......................................................English / Hell Projects / Gatsbys / Publications

Like arms of dazzling gold......................................................................................Science / Labs / Forensics

With our rain-washed histories....................................................................Math / Comp Sci

Well we do not need to be told..................................................................Languages

I was called out in the dark................................................................................Coffeehouse

By a choir of beautiful cheats.......................................................................Theatre / Art / Choir / Thread Fair

And as the kids took back the parks..................................................LASA Clubs

You and I were left with the streets....................................................Orchestra / Bands

The bridge in the song between the verse and the chorus will require a crowd of students in a hallway. 

The chorus of the song is going to be a big dance number in the courtyard with as many people as we can get to participate. We are scheduled to rehearse and shoot during the FITs directly after Spring Break. Everyone needs to learn the dance steps and then come to both FITS on March 24th and 25th.


Learn the dance steps here:

Q: How do I take part?

A. The place where we need the most people is the dance number in the courtyard. Check out the dance steps above and try to learn. Then sign up.

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